Two new videos on Youtube.
The easiest way to see them is to go to my youtube channel – which can be found by searching in youtube for David Griesinger Acoustics. I will add more presentations as they occur.
David Griesinger's Youtube Channel
A Youtube "how to" video showing step by step the process of using loudness matching to equalize headphones for frontal localization without head tracking. The process is made quick and easy with a Windows app. The results can be auditioned with the app, or installed in the audio output of a Widows compter with a Windows equalizer available at: sourceforge.com/EqualizerAPO. With this equalizer installed all sound played from the computer will be equalized for a particular headphone.
A talk on proximity similar to the one in Paris in October 2015 was given in Los Angeles at the Audio Engineering Society Convention in October of 2016. It was followed the next day by a talk on headphone equalization. The presentation in LA is smoother and perhaps easier to grasp than the one in Paris.
The talk on headphone equalization was repeated in Cologne in November at the Tonmeister convention. It was very well received by an overfull audience. I had the opportunity to demonstrate the method to many attendees, including Jorg Wüttke and Günther Theile. All perceived frontal localization after their headphones were equalized.
The next talk is the one on proximity given at the Institute of Acoustics conference in the new Paris Philmaronie in October of 2015. Proximity is the perception of being sonically close to a sound source. Proximity has been found by Lokki to be the most consistent predictor of preference for all his groups of test subjects. The talk covers many things in a short amount of time, and includes audio examples of the proximity perception. The talk builds on the information from the poster given at the same conference (on this site) which is about headphone equalization. We use individual headphone equalization to assess the effects of early lateral reflections on the sound quality in Boston Symphony Hall. The result - rather than being beneficial, early lateral reflections are either inaudible, or detrimental to the sound quality.th.
A similar talk from last year is the minute hard-hitting presentation on classroom acoustics for the Acoustical Society of America meeting in Indianapolis on October 24, 2014th.
Two other presentations are currently on the web. The first was made to the local chapter of the Acoustical Society of America, as an introduction to the documentary about the C.B. Fisk organ building company. The video documents the building and installation of the new Fisk organ in the Memorial Church at Harvard University. The lecture goes into some detail of the history and the historic acoustics of organs, with an emphasis on how the ear perceives their sound. Info about the video is in the following link:
The next lecture was given to the Boston Audio Society – a very special group of mostly scientifically trained people with a strong interest in live and recorded music. I had time to go into the subject of how we detect and process sound, and how the physics of this process is strongly affected by room acoustics. The ideas presented tend to be thought of as obvious to physicists and/or people familiar with sound recording. But they are highly controversial – and often strongly resisted – by people trained in either room acoustics or sound reinforcement. Although the ideas presented and the sound demos in the film may not be perfect, I think they are quite convincing.
This video is in two parts simply because if its length. The two parts stand alone in some ways. The first part is mostly theory, but there are some good audio examples. The second part goes into the strengths and defects of current halls and classrooms. The presentation is followed by a question and answer period which includes some very good questions, and some illuminating answers.
David Griesinger's Youtube Channel